divendres, 1 de gener del 2010

Smell of Christmas (IX)...Feliç any nou!

Well...I guess New Year is pretty much the same for those who use Gregorian calendar: either you sleep the whole morning after a long party night or you do not party and get up early to do some kind of activity without the annoying crowd. Since January 1st I take the second option and go skiing in Andorra...there is almost no one going down the slopes! Magic!!! And after a whole morning of ski...delicious shower, delicious lunch, delicious chilling out in the sofa.

And you? How do you spend your New Year? Is there any special tradition on that date in your country?

I can not finish without wishing you...

I hope that this new year brings you health, happiness and achievements! :)

7 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Ha quedat bé la foto eh! :)
L'anna :)

Anna ha dit...

Bé...el Photoshop fa miracles, uns quants "ajustes de luz y color" i mira que bonic hehe. És que a l'original gairebé no es llegia res!

Per cert...quina Anna? La que escriu pAtunet? :P

anna ha dit...

Happy new year too (ok, now it's late). We went to the town hall as there is always the traditional Neujahrskonzert (new years concert) by the Wiener Philharmoniker. Quite famous. At least that's what they tell us here.

Anna ha dit...

hi anna!

They also tell us Vienna's New Year concert is famous. In fact it is always on the news :). By the way, you had entrances to the concert? If so, how was it like?

MaryMoon ha dit...

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(quanta neu!!)

anna ha dit...

No no, we didn't go to the real concert, just watched it on a big screen standing in the cold drinking Glühwein. :)

Isabel ha dit...

Urte berri on! Happy New Year!

Just looking at the picture with the snow is making me cold. :)

Back in the Philippines, we would party up until 3-4am and we would ring in the New Year with lots of heavy duty illegal fireworks (because the word "illegal" in the Philippines, just like the word "law" is more like a suggestion and not something people actually obey). Then we'd all wake up late and meet up at my Abuela's house for lunch.

Here in America, we just have a party with no major fireworks.