5th April 2009. It was a perfect sunny Sunday in my hometown, Vilafant (north-east Catalonia, next to Figueres). It couldn't have been a better day for the activity that was being held: a street market fair. The main streets where filled with stalls selling cheese, cakes, sweets, earrings, rings, necklaces, hippy clothes, bags, handbags, color books and "brunyols" (fritters), among other things. However, the meeting point, the Plaça Major (Main Square), with its 105-old plantain, was the reason for all the other stalls. In the Square were the restaurant stalls, where rabbit-based dishes were served. This could not have been other way, since the market was dedicated to the rabbit.

the rabbit you are given the piece of wood I'm holding.
In Vilafant, every first April Sunday a market-fair dedicated to the rabbit is held. And the Plaça Major is where a dozen of restaurants of the area cook rabbit in different ways: rice and rabbit, rabbit with chestnuts and moustard sauce, rabbit with squids, etc...(this year there was even rabbit ice-cream! -I didn't it like much, I confess).
In Catalonia, rabbit meat is a usual thing to eat. Other strange things we eat is snails (and they are not bad if you cook them with a good sauce). Also, in my area, it is quite normal to have meat and fish dishes (or as we call here "Mar i muntanya" -Sea and mountain), as we have mountains and we have see. Hence, the mixture rabbit-squid is a plausible thing to eat.
I like this kind of street markets. There are thousands of markets of the kind all around Catakab villages and they are all structured the same: there is a main theme, usually something related to the village (the Cherry fair in Llers, the Cheese fair in Lladó, the Garnatxa and brunyol fair in Garriguella). Sometimes, these fairs have a historic reason (medieval fairs in Castelló d'Empúries and Montblanc and Renaissance fair in Tortosa, for example), or they are exclusive for one thing, like the antiques, old toys, stamps and numismatic fairs. Most of times this markets are accompanied by parallel activities. In the case of medieval and Renaissance markets, for instances, street theatre and art goes on. In the specific case of my village, the rabbit fair is the end of a "cultural week" and in the afternoon we have the "Throwing bricks competition", organized by the theatre group "La totxana" (The brick).

you throw the brick. the better (No worries, there are protection measures).
In my opinion, these fairs are one aspect of our cultural heritage. It is not only knowing villages, and eating good food, it is also knowing about our traditions and learning about popular culture.
6 comentaris:
That sounds like a lot of fun, although as a vegetarian I wouldn't try the rabbit ;-).
I just came back to Zurich from Catalonia yesterday. They were just setting up their Fira de Primavera in my girlfriends village. I wish I could have stayed there longer to see it.
Ostres, me l'he tornada a perdre!
Maria, el proper cop ja t'avisaré! :D
Però per si de cas...és cada primer diumenge d'abril.
Anna, you wouldn't try the rabbit, but don't worry they also sell other things like cakes and "coca de vidre", "brunyols" which taste very good! (they are desserts, but well...you could fill your mouth anyway...)
Jim, what do they do exactly in la "Fira de primavera"? I mean, it is only a market or also they do other things?
Hi Anna,
I went to it once and it was mostly a market but also, a lot of the local clubs were exhibiting their stuff, like crocheting and cooking. They also did Sardanes and stuff like that. I think a big part of it is just a good excuse to walk around and talk to people.
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